anyway ive got plenty of other interesting musings that i will elaborate on in future posts, but for now ill just kick off my debut with whats gone down in the last few days.
we went to the 'outback steakhouse' for a feed a few nights ago and what a trip that was! so much naff 'aussie' paraphenalia on the walls and crappy references in the menu, we just had to laugh. and then cringe. but hell, it seems to work, it was bloody packed! and the foodwas good, to be honest. although i must say the whole tipping thing is gettinga bit much.... these waitresses (pretty much always chicks) are just waayyy too perky and its obvious its for the tip, sometimes you feel like just swatting them away and telling them to "piss off and we'll get ourselves a beer when were effing ready!" but whatever, thats the way it is, and we respect that. and then inevitably leave a bigger than usual tip because were aussies and dont want to offend the poor, harmless, innocent, geographically ignorant little dears...
Next day we thought wed go for a walk into uptown, a place recommended by the bartender at bubba gumps, who got an extra few bucks for his troubles, like the rest of em do. though half way through this 20km 'stroll' i was cursing his name because i thought he'd definitely sold us the farm on this one. got off the train and ended up walking through midtown, which is actually west of uptown, both of which being south of downtown. you figure that one out! midtown, we later found out thanks to google, is pretty much the only unsafe suburb in minneapolis. so here we are, cruising through the ghetto, waving a camera around, with a big neon 'TOURIST' sign over our heads, and we gradually felt more and more uncomfortable. like we were being watched. i guess thats coz we were.... every car that doofed past seemed to have a young hispanic driver in a white bonds singlet, arm resting on door, looking at us thinking to themselves 'if this was dark, they would be so mugged by now'.
we made it out though. with our wallets and camera.
we made it to uptown and had a few beers on this rooftop bar which seemed to make the walk down mugging boulevarde seem worth it. the view of the city skyline with a beer was amazing and we could of sat there all day. but we needed food. and food we got man! 'famous daves' was the name of the joint. an all american rib and steak joint. my god. ive never been genuinely scared at the sight of food being put on the table in front of me... but its my fault for ordering the monster ribs at lunch. i should've known by now what to expect from foodhouses in this country. this rack of ribs i ended up with was apparently half of a pigs chest and stretched about 2 feet across the table. i was feeling full just looking at the bloody thing, but i had a good old aussie crack at it but failed dismally at rib 8. although i got a congratulatory comment from this over-perky waitress (to maximise the tip, no doubt) which restored some of my pride in my manhood at least.
yesterday we thought we'd have a 'quiet' day before travelling to menomonie so we went to the mall again and caught a movie. then went to a bar just next door to the cinema, still in the mall. planning on only a quick beer or two, we ended up having a chat with the bartender, and also ended up slamming shots of grand marnier 'on the house' with him while he was still pulling beers for the other plebs in the house. i think he was tryingto get the aussiespissed for a laugh but whatever, we'll take it. and thats service that will earn a tip from me any day. needless to say, 4hrs later we stumbled home. netiher of us can remember getting home actually and apparently i went and bought a 12pack ofbeer from somewhere. passed out by sundown. oh well it helpedus get over the last remnants of 'jetlas' that may have been still in the system anyway.

A 'big bloke beer' at the outback steakhouse. Lauren thought it was so good, shed get the boobs out...

The wall at outback steakhouse. i bet if i actually asked the for a tooheys id get a stupid puppy dog look from the waitress, followed by 'wha?'

midtown. scarytown. oh well. chalk it up to experience.

what was waiting for us after midtown. a nice relaxing sit down where we didnt need a bulletproof vest.

beer from the rooftop bar in uptown. we werethinking itd be a sweet sunday session joint. its called stella's fish cafe if you wanna google.

the ribs. i think my face says it all.

giving it a red hot go.

you can buy a gun here, and you can go shoot someone somewhere else. just not on our turf, coz we dont want the paperwork.

everything tastes better out of a coconut. laurens got 3 coconuts out in this one! haha.... awesome.