we got off the shuttle and were greeted with more searing bloody heat and realised that we were getting dropped off at the 'motel 6' instead of the 'super 8 motel'. sweet. simple mistake. lucky the other motel was only about a km away so we wrestled our backpacks on and struggled our way down the street looking like two turtles on valium. they dont see our types that much in menomonie so we'd get the odd car seeming to slow down, trying to figure out what our go was. getting pretty used to that these days.
anyway, we got there in the end, had a quick swim and went off for another walk. i reckon overall we are averaging about 8km a day at the moment. i spose that makes up for all this massive american food were eating...
it was nice to cruise thru the campus with no one else around to annoy us. checking out the old dorm, rugby fields and rugby house.
the next day the guys came over pretty early and there wasnt much to do but hit the pub and get blind drunk. when in rome, i spose. we all hit this dive bar and hit it pretty hard. a few of the guys had different weddings to go to, which made it pretty cool that they came to see us. Timmy acutally ditched the wedding ceremony he was gonna go to and took us to this dodgy mexican restaurant. it was like being in a time warp. the place obviously hasnt been interested in remodelling since the 60's but the food, like all mexican so far was unbelieveable. and they served beer in 32oz glasses, bigger than steins i think. it took me an hour to drink.
went home and had a nap while the others were at their weddings then kicked off round 2 with jugs of beer so bloody big you couldnt jump over them. the stupid thing was that they gave you 7oz glasses to drink with so you spent most of your time refilling your glass. whatever, it got us pretty pissed. at one joint lauren got her bag temporarily stolen but as it turns out, one of the people we were with left for another club and took it with them because it was unmanned. needless to say we were kicking up a bit of a stink accusing a few dudes who looked the most suss. quite a sight on the street out the front of the club at 2.30am but we got it back so all good.
hungover the next day, but the guys hung around so we had a fairlly big sunday session. at the same dive bar we started at the day before. johnny had a heap of ridiculous kids hats that looked like animals so it seemed like a good idea at the time to each whack one of them on and cruise around in the convertible then wear them to the pub. thought the barflies would of thought we were a bunch of clowns, which we were, but they seemed like them. oh yeah another thing, there was this party getting set up on the pool tables in the pub which turned out to be a baby shower! interesting venue choice but apparently its normal to celebrate imminent birth of a child at a dive bar.
eventually said goodbye to the guys with man hugs and all that crap. but it was good to see them. and good to be back, if only for a weekend.

A 'frolf' hole. scattered allover the campus. for frisbee golf.

my old digs

the rugby house where i had to do laps of it naked in the snow.

little glassfor a big jug. they thought it was sooofunny that we called them 'jugs'.

us at the dive bar. cat, frog, ladybug.

this is what you get your bloody mary in.

me, rue and johnny. frog, bunny, duck.

man love.
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